
welcome to my corner of the internet!! my name is ellen

this site is NOT mobile friendly!! i do not care!! this site is NOT any core!! do not call it a core!! this is catskulls!! no core can be catskulls ghhh

site updates

28/11/24 - added cosplay corner blog~~

06/11/24 - added a shrine. which one? secret

06/11/24 - added shrine directory and tamanotchi

27/10/24 - added the KURUKURU PLAYER 2000!!!!!!!!!!!!

26/10/24 - added a resources page & jukebox~!!

what's going on today?!
webrings and fanlistings
protector 🦊 Firefox
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catskulls approved websites
onthequiet's cool site button ENTER ROSEWOOD TREE!!!!!! POSEUR

the webmaster is feeling

The current mood of catskulls at www.imood.com

link here

think my ramblings are neat!? link back to my site!! if you do so, hit me up so i can link you back ;))

  It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!

i wonder what kind of people live out there